-People from all countries can improve their communication with the help of international gestures.


-Gestures use a parallel communication channel  that does not interfere with the speech.

-The idea is respectful with every actual spoken language.       It favours multilinguism.

-The social integration of the deaf  all around the world would  improve.


-North American Indigenous Nations.

   They used common gestures for their communication with people who spoke different languages.     

-Simultaneous communication technique.

   It is used by speaking persons who know the gestural language.

   Example: Compères of TV programmes for the deaf.  


-Introducing international gestures in school activities all over the world.

-Spreading the knowledge of international gestures among people from all countries.      

Several valuations of this idea.

Characteristics and antecedents of the international signs YoGoTe.

-the World  Federation of Deaf people publishes in 1975 a repertoire of 1500 international signs These were selected from the sign languages  of different countries, looking for the greater possible naturalness. The result is a collection of signs without grammar, denominated Gestuno.

Editions:               English and French                   Arabic                      Japanese         


-the International Sign Language, just as the languages of signs of any country, has its own grammatical structure. This makes difficult its simultaneous use with spoken languages. The reason is that each spoken language has a different grammatical structure. Any sign language with an own grammar cannot be accommodated. to all the existing grammar structures in the world

-the internationsal signs YoGoTe are adapted for the communication between  listeners of different countries. For it they were developed from the initial collection of Gestuno. The result is the YoGoTe collection of 600 simple gestures (not double ones  like many of Gestuno signs are), adapted for its use by listeners (suppressing aspects like the face expression), and with addition of new meanings to each gesture (to facilitate its use in the schools).


Writing of signs:

In order to be able to work with the YoGote gestures in the school, it was necessary to be able to write them. For this purpose, we developed a technique of writing called signogram. It is based on the concept of ideogram (like the Chinese characters). Each signogram is carrying the meaning of its gesture. At the same time, by observing the signogram the gesture can be reproduced with the hands.

Proposals for further development:

-Vocabulary extension (to be used by people who can speak).

-Incorporation of grammatical aspects which are compatible with any spoken language. ç

To contact, participate or collaborate.


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