
    This Website tries to foster the use of universal signs as a means for a better international communication among HEARING people from all over the world.

    The basic idea is the following: People from different countries can improve their communication if they make universal signs at the same time that they speak. Whether they are speaking in their own language or in a foreign one, the universal signs for the fundamental ideas will allow other people (if they know these universal signs) to understand better what they are trying to express. Clic here for more information and to read some avaliations.

    In order to make this possible, we have developed a very easy way to write and read hand signs with characteres known as signograms. 

    The basic tool for this project is the Dictionary of Universal Signs. You can view it on-line here, with video and animation. You can also download it in the form of  a book. In order to read the book, you must have installed the Fonts for the signs in your computer.

    These same Fonts make it also possible to write our own texts with accompanying signs. The texts, written in your language and glossed with universal signs, will allow you to take part at the proposed activities, specially for schools.

    You will also have the possibility to learn some basic expressions in foreign languages.

   You can see some videos of different activities that were made at all school levels and in several international events in the frame of this project.

    You can also take part in this project, letīs contact us for it!

Xabier Prado , Co-ordinator of the YoGoTe Project


YoGoTe      -      INTRODUCTION      -      MAP of the Site   -     NEWS      -      DICTIONARIES       -     EXPERIENCES

TEXTS with signs      -      UTILITIES     -        DEBATE     -       CONTACT      -           COLLABORATION